When to apply
You can apply from when your child is 2 years and 36 weeks old and at the latest you must apply before the month in which the term starts.
Child's birthday between 1 September to 31 December
Start January, Spring Term
Recommend to apply between 15 October to 30 November
Child's birthday between 1 January to 31 March
Start April, Summer Term
Recommend to apply between 15 January to 28 February
Child's birthday between 1 April to 31 August
Start September, Autumn Term
Recommend to apply between 15 June to 31 July
How it works
• apply on the Gov website below, you will be required to create an account
• if you are eligible you will receive an eligibility code
• take your code to your chosen childcare provider to secure your funding
• renew your details on your Gov account every 3 months to continue your funding