How to Choose a Childcare Provider
1. Location - Decide on the location of the childcare provider, suitable for you to travel and consider if your child will possibly make friends there who they will transition to school with.
2. Make a list of 3 to 5 providers in your area (we can provide you with details of providers). Have a look at their Ofsted report (available on the Ofsted website). Many providers have their own websites too for you to look at for further information.
3. Call your preferred providers (around 3 providers) to book to have a look around. At this point also check their availability and what fees you would be expected to pay if your child started with them.
4. Visit - Visit during opening hours so you can see that the children and carers are happy, calm, and engaged in activities. When you are there you will be able to see the rooms, talk with the staff, and find out about their daily routines. You can also ask any questions you have and discuss any particular needs of your child.
5. Register your child - Once you have chosen your preferred provider register your child by contacting the provider.